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Spanish course for companies

We provide Spanish Courses for all levels and industries!

The Spanish Course for Companies aims to provide employees with the language skills necessary to successfully interact in a business context

Spanish course for companies

Refreshingly unique workspace locations

At World Class Barcelona, the Spanish Course for Businesses has been designed to meet the linguistic and communication needs of companies aiming to enhance internal and external communication in Spanish. This course aims to provide employees with the language skills necessary to successfully interact with Spanish-speaking clients, suppliers, and business partners. Through a practical and targeted approach, participants will acquire linguistic and cultural competencies essential for effectively addressing the challenges of the global business world. We can develop customised language classes, at any level, whatever the size or sector of your organisation. Our teachers have high qualifications, as well as years of experience teaching corporate language classes. The timetable and the class dynamic depends on you..

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences

Spanish course for companies

Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.

Monthly Reports

-Attendance sheets.
-Progress measurement in terms of the goal of the in-company language course.


All course materials will be provided by World Class Barcelona.


We supply all the necessary documents, so your company can enjoy allowances from the Tripartita Foundation.


We can offer training in any language.
Contact us with your requirements and we’ll put together a course for you.

We Provide Courses for all levels and industries!
We focus on the areas you need it most!